Functional Medicine

From chronic pain to chronic illness, Dr. Alan Levitt at Levitt Chiropractic Center in Saint Louis Park, MN provides functional medicine to help you achieve optimal relief.

5 Facts to Know About Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is becoming a more common term, but there is still some confusion around the topic. To help provide some clarity, Dr. Levitt and the team at Levitt Chiropractic Center in Saint Louis Park, MN share five important facts below.

It Gets to the Heart of the Matter

Functional medicine provides an approach through which you can experience true healing and health. This is because it focuses on assessing the body, its various systems, and how everything is functioning to determine what is actually causing the symptoms you experience. It’s incredibly effective because it digs up the root and treats it.

It’s Highly Personalized

You are likely wondering what functional medicine might do for you and exactly how long it would take. The truth is, though, that it’s not easy to answer those questions as it is highly personalized to the individual seeking care. Functional medicine providers don’t glaze over your symptoms and provide a generic treatment plan. They take a look at various factors in your life, including everything from genetics to daily habits.

It Utilizes a Holistic Approach

Functional medicine uses a whole-person approach to health, healing, and wellness. And as such, treatment includes a variety of areas. For instance, in addition to adjustments to help treat back pain, your treatment plan might also address poor sleep positions, nutrition issues, and weakened muscles. Headaches might be treated through stress management, chiropractic manipulation, diet, exercise, and more. The goal is to optimize your health and wellness by addressing any issues that might be negatively impacting them.

It’s Effective in Treating a Wide Range of Conditions

This method of care is beneficial in many treatment plans, including for fibromyalgia, sciatica, joint pain, degenerative disc disease, and more.

It Creates Lasting Results

Functional medicine focuses on addressing underlying issues that cause your symptoms. In doing so, it provides a path to optimal healing, which you can reap the benefits of for years – or decades – to come.

Learn more about functional medicine with a visit to Dr. Alan Levitt at Levitt Chiropractic Center in Saint Louis Park, MN by calling (952) 920-7535 today.

Our Location

Hours of Operation


8:30-11:30am and 2:30-5:30pm


8:30 am - 11:30 am


10:00 am - 12:00 pm


8:30-11:30am and 2:30-5:30pm


8:30 am - 11:30 am


By Appointment



8:30-11:30am and 2:30-5:30pm
8:30 am - 11:30 am
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
8:30-11:30am and 2:30-5:30pm
8:30 am - 11:30 am
By Appointment